West Knox and Halls Republican Clubs

Monday night the West Knox Republican Club met and I understand that Jeff Tallman, candidate for City of Knoxville Mayor was the Speaker. I had another commitment. Tonight the Halls Republican Club had Stacy...

Concord Farragut Republican Club Meeting

Last night as I watched the TN House expel Rep. Justin Pearson get expelled by 69 Republican House members the Concord Farragut Republican Club met. Ms. Chelsey Ivens of United States Senator Marsha Blackburn’s...

The TN State House Recorded Votes on Expulsion of Jones, Johnson and Pearson April 6, 2023

The votes on Rep. Bud Hulsey HR 0065 to Expel Rep. Justin Jones HR0065 by Hulsey – FLOOR VOTE: MOTION TO ADOPT 4/6/2023Passed          Ayes………………………………………..72          Noes………………………………………..25           Representatives voting aye were: Alexander, Barrett, Boyd, Bricken, Bulso, Burkhart, Butler,...