Category: News Sentinel


KNS News Stories and Ad Placement

Back on February 9, 2015 I published this story about complaints about my advertisers and how the NS authored and published an opinion about the E-911 controversy. While having a nearly full page ad....


Apparently Burchett & Rogero Believe This Is Candyland!

Back when the previous County Mayor was under attack by County Commission. Commissioner Greg Lambert remarked to Mayor Ragsdale, this isn’t Candyland, you can’t have a do over. Under Roberts Rules of Order, a...


Is Burchett Demonstrating his Disdain of Sheriff’s Department Employees?

Sheriff Jimmy “J.J.” Jones has now entered the fray of this E-911 radio procurement situation. Here is the letter that he has sent to the legal counsel. Knoxville Mayor Madeline Rogero and Knox County...


Burchett is Itching to Spend $8.2 Million of Our Money to a Vendor That Other Communities Have NOT Had Successful History

Knoxville News Sentinel is reporting that Mayor Burchett is requesting a February 18, 2015 meeting of the E-911 board to try and force a discussion and vote to spend $8.2 million of our county...


KnoxNews and Moxley Making Others Pay?

Today, the News Sentinel has another story discussing the E-911 radio system that failed to receive a second motion for their gal pal Cynthia Moxley‘s client. Interesting that Mayor Madeline  Rogero has been a...