Monthly Archive: August 2008

General Sessions Judge Contest

General Sessions Judge Contest

It is likely that there will be a second Republican party convention this month to select a nominee for the General Sessions Court Judge vacancy that will become vacant upon Bob McGee’s move to...

Knox County Mayor Candidates in 2010

Knox County Mayor Candidates in 2010

There are allot of names circulating for Knox County Mayor in 2010. The campaign will begin by at least next year, August 2009. Let’s first look at the Democrats. Former Knoxville Mayor and perennial...

John Edwards

John Edwards

The news from yesterday about the former North Carolina Senator and former Democrat Vice President John Edwards admitting to an ex-marital affair brings two things to mind for me that cause me to respect...

Black Wednesday became Two Tone Thursday

Black Wednesday became Two Tone Thursday

The comment above was overheard between two elected officials outside the ballroom of the Crowne Plaza last night following the Republican victory speeches. Who were they talking about? Who wears two tone shoes? Our...

The Results

The Results

The ones that we got right. Jones for Sheriff, Arnett for Clerk, Witt for Register of Deeds, Sisk* for Trustee, Ballard for Property Assessor, McGee for Criminal Court Judge, Div. II, Saunders for Fourth...

Election Day Predictions

Election Day Predictions

Sheriff Jones -v- Tyree – Jones wins County Clerk Arnett -v- Henley Vandergriff – Arnett wins but is closer than expected. Some Republican insiders are predicting a 72% win for Arnett, that won’t happen....

Amy Broyles Illegal Vote Scheming Tomorrow

Amy Broyles Illegal Vote Scheming Tomorrow

UPDATE: Brian’s Blog has received two emails and the information in those emails when we fact checked with individuals named does not line up exactly as presented in the emails. We do believe that...