Monthly Archive: August 2008

Baer’s Latest Backfires

Baer’s Latest Backfires

I was at the community pool today for a couple of hours and was talking with a fellow church member. Someone that I have known and they know that I am politically involved and...

Tom Baer Goes To The Mulch Bed

Tom Baer Goes To The Mulch Bed

Desperate candidates do desperate things. Tom Baer “the liberal PHD” that is a candidate for State Representative is no exception. Today, he distributed a direct mail piece that is pure mud and slim politics....

Vines Gets It Wrong Again

Vines Gets It Wrong Again

Georgiana Vines in today’s News Sentinel identifies Corey Johns incorrectly. Vines wrote and published “Corey Johns, GOP vice president,” Johns currently serves as First Vice Chairman. There are currently 53 County Vice Chairs. Each...