Don’t Be Misled by Betty Bean’s Attempt to Rationalize Sanger’s HUGE Win

Failed Second District School Board Candidate Jamie Rowe’s biased reporter Betty Bean is attempting to make it look like victorious School Board Member Tracie Sanger paid a large amount of money to two exceptional consultants. Bean’s story makes it look like it was all consulting dollars. What Bean is ignorant of (no fault of her own, she just doesn’t know) is that campaign consultants will invoice for postage, printing for mailers. So, while a campaign financial disclosure may show a dollar amount to someone or the company. It could be for reimbursable expenses.

A couple of interesting stories have been told to me from Election Day. The story below is not confirmed as first or second hand stories, so take it for what it is…rumor. If you want stop reading now. Save your phone calls to the frivolous lawsuit filing type lawyers. It is a rumor, may be true, may not. You have been advised.

A campaign worker on election day was standing out wearing a candidates shirt and approached a worker from the opposing campaign and said hey I want you to know I really like —— —— and even voted for her. The other campaign worker said well why are you out here wearing that shirt, well —– —— is paying me and it was worth it. That’s funny, I don’t care who you are, if it is true or isn’t true, it’s still funny. I suspect the candidate that received the paid campaign assist, pobably doesn’t know she had paid campaign workers so that money won’t be reported, I assume.

I could write a book about similar stories over my 32 years of active political involvement.

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