Is Jack McElroy Obsessed With Scott Moore?

Jack McElroy’s paper over at the Big Metal Shed on the Hill put a front page, top of the fold story about Former County Commissioner Scott Moore accepting a job with the Knox County Sheriffs Department. Moore is a former Sheriffs Department employee from before he was a County Commissioner. So, accepting a $32,100 position shouldn’t be front page, top of the fold story. Should it? Even if Moore is one of the individuals serving during the January 31, 2007 Commission meeting that has been dubbed “Black Wednesday”. Right?

Just a few days before the Moore story on about page 4, McElroy reported that one of Mayor Timothy Floyd Burchett departments hired Black Wednesday County Commissioner Tony Norman. Norman is reportedly making about $28,000 a year and is rumored to be Burchett’s boy to challenge School Board Member Doug Harris in 2016. But, McElroy wants to make sensational political news about Sheriff Jimmy “J.J.” Jones but Burchett slides. Hypocrisy?

Let’s not just stop there. How about in September when Black Wednesday County Commissioner Craig Leuthold went slinking back to the Property Assessors office after his Interim Trustee service ended because the citizens of Knox County stomped a mud hole in his Republican primary candidacy for Trustee. Of course, the Property Assessor is Former Black Wednesday County Commissioner Phil Ballard. Any word on Leuthold and Ballard from McElroy on the front page, top of the fold or on page 4. Not a word, Interesting!

Come on Jack!

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