Kuhlman is on the Move, According to Ashe!

Victor Ashe reported in last weeks E.W. Scripps owned Shopper News that Knox County GOP Chair is on the move. Kuhlman and her husband Russell according to Ashe having listed their house on Kingston Pike for sale. Kuhlman who lives just down the street from Ashe is according to Ashe simply going to down size to a smaller home in Sequoyah Hills. No confirmation if the Kuhlman’s will move further away or closer to Ashe.


Here is the listing according to Zillow.Com

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1 Response

  1. KnoxPropertyAss says:

    According to Mrs. Kulhman’s daughters boss, the Property Assessor the home is only worth $480,000 if she and her husband sell it for $750,000 will they pay the back taxes that Ballard under appraised it for?