KnoxNews, What Part of Parliamentary Procedure Do You NOT Understand?

Here is sound bite post #2 on the KnoxNews, Moxley dust up about the E-911 Board and the RFP that didn’t get a second. The KnoxNews staff presumably headed up by Scott Barker and Jack McElroy have published articles where there is consternation about the E-911 board not discussing or debating the responding RFP proposers.

The Harris proposal was motioned by a low level staffer of Knox County Mayor Tim Burchett. The motion received no second. What part of Roberts Rules of Order or the generic term “Parlimentary Procedure” do the news writers and public relations gal pal Cynthia Moxley not understand? There can be no discussion without a second to the motion on the floor for debate.

To discuss a proposal without properly being placed into motion would be the officials debating to a conclusion without being on the table, thus a violation of the open meeting law ie. Sunshine law. What would KnoxNews like the body to do? How many times have the Knoxville City Council heard an item and a council member says, “I will second it for discussion.” Translation: I don’t want to support it, but lets go through the motion. Isn’t that a member that debated to a conclusion but is just going to second it to placate the people watching?

So, I wonder what Barker, McElroy and Moxley believe, is the Knox County Charter, the TN Constitution or the U.S. Constitution more important. Come out, Come out where ever you hide and tell us you three folks.

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