Knox County Property Assessor Gets it Wrong AGAIN. Are you Shocked?

Over in Fort Sanders, the University of Tennessee has purchased a home to be torn down and will utilize the land for another new building. The University paid $1.1 million, while the Property Assessor has it appraised at $351,000. The University commissioned and independent appraiser, who appraised the property at $1,050,000.00, translated means the former insurance adjuster (who said he could appraise property values) missed it by $699,000.00.

Think of the tax money Knox County could have received had the property assessor gotten this house right over the last 6 years (the current assessors time in office). Of course, the assessors own Chief Deputy Jim Weaver own residence was discovered to be under appraised. Of course, it has been discussed privately that there are some commercial hotel/motel property that are under and over appraised due to crony status the land owners have with the assessor.

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2 Responses

  1. Elmer Henderlight says:

    Well that’s what happens when you elect a arrogant dumb ass to the position of property assessor. This baffoon makes me madder that a dog shitting tacks. And to think he is conspiring to be second in command to his golden turd choice to run for assessor in the next few years.

    There are so many over assessed properties and just as many under asssssed properties. There is no end to the stupidity and mistakes made in this office. And everyone just turns their heads to the blind eye crony of the second floor. Motels with low rates and poor people over assessed. What’s wrong with this picture?

    March 1 is the deadline to pay your taxes and so many people busting their asses and that moron sleeps like nothing is wrong. Take him out and tar and feather him, or better yet he does nothing as it is in exchange for a paycheck. Put his ass to work remodeling the old courthouse. He keeps his flock in the basement with no worries for their health, make him stay there himself.

    The man is an idiot either tinkle or get off the pot!

  2. Mrs. Elmer says:

    Well, Well, Well I would see who owns the property. Jim and Linda thinks they are on top of everything. Ask any realestate agent and see what they tell you about property in Knox Co. how the values are.
    On the hotel/motel insiders can tell you who comes and sees Phil.Then when he has someone he wants in office he will call certain people for support and money that he helps or else.