McIntyre Recognizes Middle School Growth and Being a Good Steward of Taxpayer Money

This afternoon, Dr. James P. McIntyre, Jr. made his recommendation public. The growth in Hardin Valley requires a new Middle School. But in Gibbs the demand does not require one. Instead, they need a new elementary and renovations at Adrain Burnett.

Now, of course, Mayor Tim Burchett and Knox County Commission can ignore the Superintendent and School Board again and build a school where the demand doesn’t exist. Like Carter.

Gibbs people will continue to lament about long bus rides. However, as the independent third party study said, in South Knox County the bus rides are the same or longer. Gibbs could have objected to the renovation and expansion of Holston Middle in 2003 when the school was made nicer and comfy for the Gibbs students.

To some sources it seems that the people advocating for a Gbibs Middle do like their kids attending a school with the racial, socio economic makeup of Holston. That hasn’t been proven.


Unfortunately, the first two comments on WBIR’s story (if from Gibbs citizens as they present themselves) I hope does not reflect on the whole of the Gibbs community. Is this how they want their kids to respond to disappointment  at not being able to get exactly what they want? When did our representative republic become a handout society that just because you pay taxes, you expect a brand new building in closest proximity to your residence. Maybe you should have nought or built a house closer to Holston.

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