15 year Knox County Circuit, Chancery, Juvenile and Fourth Circuit Court Clerk Employee Forced Out

I received a press release attributed to Tim Wheeler. Mr. Wheeler has been a career employee in the Knox County Circuit, Chancery, Juvenile and Fourth Circuit Court Clerk. The clerk has been and continues to be Cathy Quist Shanks. Mr. Wheeler was apparently relieved of his duties yesterday. I am posting the release as submitted to me below.

I will continue to follow this incident and if Mrs. Shanks has comments, I will post those as well.


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15 Responses

  1. Take A Guess says:

    She is nothing but a female Mike Lowe that needs to be brought down from her perch. This is just the beginning of what really goes on behind the scenes. It has taken her three years to make a recent appearance in our office. As long as you are making changes how about moving out your husbands desk, the county should not be paying for your personal storage. Let’s see how many get the boot next week, we have so many family members working with family. It’s just not fair how much her Monterey family employees make. Without Tim who is going to inform the clerk the office opens at 8am, not 3:30 in the afternoon. I would love to see her behind the walls of a federal prison! Can anyone say they have seen the clerk put in more than 30 minutes a week worth of work, let alone arrive before 3:30? Resign before your actions find you out, the longer you drag this out the less credible you will become. Sober up and do the right thing, nothing can save you now.

  2. The Clerks Enemy says:

    I want her to do the right thing and resign. Tim Wheeler is the only one performing the duties, the clerk cannot ever be found. How many times has our judges asked for the clerk and she is out having her hair done or out getting a manicure. I believe since she hired the nail she would have a better excuse to spend more time in the office. Let’s see her make excuses provided by the defuct wisdom of her husband. Two people that have no moral values, the lawsuit in her desk drawer against her husband for over $7 million paints the true picture of just how shady they each are. Bow out before the orange jumpsuit clashes with that red hair.

  3. FocuslyFocusonRay says:

    Let’s just go ahead and say it, Ghost Employee #1 is Ray Hill. Hill a former County Commissioner, Former Commission Office Gal and was hidden at Juvenile when Quist hired him. He began working from home. Supposedly because he answers questions on the Clerk website. Yeah, that is about 1 question every 3 months.

    In reality, she (actually the Knox County taxpayers) pay him between $50k to $70k a year to write a weekly page of jibberish in Hunley’s throw away paper. With a photograph of him at his little flower bed, smoking a cigarette and a walking cane. If he can get that far, he can surely find his butt to the City County Building. He would have to begin smoking in the stairwells again.

  4. Not fond of our clerk says:

    Who does she think she is fooling but her own self. The office can’t run on autopilot much like the plane she bought her husband. You fired Teresa a while back and then Tim, I’m sorry but your step son’s live in can’t run this office let alone show up for work. Just once I would like to see you answer for yourself. I’ve heard the racial slur of you using the “n” word. Everyone knows you are racially biased and I have heard you on many occasions, “we need insurance”, you need treatment for alcoholism and substance abuse. How about a $21,000.00 raise for me, I actually come to work and chipped in on your Christmas gift. Spread a little margarita money on me. I want to see you fall. I speak for the entire working class of employees, you will be ruined after we are done spilling the beans.

  5. From one clerk to another says:

    What is wrong with you people up there? I might be a small town elected clerk but I know how to properly run my office. Your chief deputy is your spine and support not your enemy. I’ve heard you say your the senior elected clerk up there and that means only one thing. Your mind state reveals your washed up and your office will fail. I cannot wait until the clerks conference here in a few weeks. How will it feel to know we are laughing at you to your face. You are simply a disgrace to not only yourself by to the people who elected you. I’ve known by listening to you obviously have internal issues within yourself. Get some help as to ask for help does not admit failure, the people that elected you deserve that. As an attorney you are held to a much higher standard than any elected clerk. I’ve met your chief deputy and said to you many times, I wish I had a chief that was half the person you appointed. Get him back or face the facts the media can ruin your ability to continue to serve and furthermore the ability to practice law. That county up there has some serious issues, and ghost employees can put you behind bars. There is already one of you there it’s your decision if you want to join him.

  6. Brook Krug says:

    I worked for Tim Wheeler for both civil and circuit courts. I was an outstanding employee with an abundance of knowledge enabling Tim to use my skills in various departments of the court. I, as well as another long time employee (who died within a year) was layed off due to “budget cuts” after she hired her husband’s son’s girlfriend. I can’t believe it took this long for an investigation into her irrational behavior and hiring people with NO experience to entrust administration and process of legal documents. I’m not shocked. It will be interesting to see how the ghost employee situation plays out… guess I took one for the team.

  7. Who is gonna fill those shoes says:

    As a former employee I must say the hardest working man in that office was let go because the clerks husband gave the order. The question now is who is going to fill his shoes? Cathy was never and I repeat never in this office, and when she appeared on occasion she never did anything but use the F word and degrade the staff. Watch how quick the office fails due to the absence of the only man who gave his all for the woman that gets paid to shop, have her nails done, regular salon visits and a quick appearance down at juvenile to get the bank deposit. If she didn’t like you for any reason you were shipped to juvenile. I will forward a photo and video to you Mr Hornback of an employee sleeping while on the job. This was an everyday occurance. And as for the comment about Hill and his artificial sickness the man never came to work. His door always locked, blinds pulled and time card never completed. He got paid to just write his column for the paper. That was payment to keep the newspaper off her tail. The same goes for a mail clerk that was hired to keep the sentinel off her tail. Watch how other media sources report and these two just pass by the story. Cathy I am so glad you will be exposed for your favoritism. The records of the court speak for themselves.

  8. steve says:

    to all the cry baby’s, that have commented did you ever get a raise only the (pridegroup) got raises timmyboys click. like the loudmouthed one that was his tattletale in the office you deserved it.
    whats the big deal timmyboys husband will take care of him.
    hey timmy you weren’t the elected one remember you lost your race!!!

  9. Hubert Smith says:

    The small rats are after the bigger rats. I was laid off in July 2007 by the esteemed Clerk of the Juvenile Court. The bigger (Quist) rat summarily dismissed me without notice on a Friday with a letter of being laid-off. everybody knew that it was bullshit but not a single county commissioner came to my aide.


    Wheeler is a small rat and Quist is a bigger rat. He knew by his own admission what she was doing and it wasn;t until she screwed him like she screwed me in 2007 did he say something. Now he’s got religion!

  10. Hubert Smith says:

    If this isn’t poetic justice then nothing is. These two deserve each other. Wheeler has been doing her dirty work for years. I should know. As far as ghost employees are concerned, I ask this question, “Has anybody seen Ray Hill lately?” If it was good enough to probe the Trustee’s Office for ghost employees then this should be a no-brainer.

  11. ThompsonBoling says:

    Since Craigy left the Trustees office for the Ballard fiefdom maybe Quist can hire Kristin from the Trustees office as Tim’s replacement. She has experience dealing with ghost employees and says yes very well

  12. The Clerk appeared today says:

    We nearly fell out of our chairs this morning as the missing clerk found her way to our office, smiling , greeting and looking like she was proud to be here. She began by greeting all of us and opened the morning mail. Not that it took much effort to do so, but the gesture was appreciated. Posting and distributing, well thats not possible for her. Funny how the employees comment on here and she miraculously appears, I guess she understood were not going to cover for her. I hear that the moving of furniture is to begin here at the hell hole on the corner of Main Street. Come by and see what rented space the clerk has used to store her husbands desk. I found a memo this morning from several years ago of the Clerks warning of sleeping on the job. I had to chuckle, here in this office there isn’t time to sleep, other offices of the Clerk seem to have this issue. I wish I had a job where you could show up for work and sleep, the quote I like best from the sleeper is “Ive never slept this long here at work, it is almost time to go home.”

    • Really?? says:

      I happened to be at the Sessions Court Clerks office this morning as I am about once a month and despite what you guys think, you guys work about as hard as any other county employees, which isn’t very hard. I didn’t see anybody strike a lick except the clerks in the courtroom, and they were all fun and games. You’d never make it in the real world.

  13. We DO NOT want Lorie Lane says:

    To the Clerk, we DO NOT want Lori Lane. Just because this brown-noser is dating your step-son and lives in your home is not reason enough to cram her down our throats. This is just the tip of the iceberg of whats lurking in this office people. The Clerk has no respect for the ethics violations that occur everyday in this and other offices under her watch. Family working for family and not all of them are mentally stable. I recall a time, an employee came in and hid under a desk, either high or off her rocker. As long as you are reorganizing the office, how about sending the friends and family down the road of termination. You claim to be reorganizing, how about doing whats right for once in your life. You will regret your decisions, as this will haunt you for the rest of your life. You had a chance to clean up your own mistakes, but you just kept hiring the trash to keep from turning over excess fees to the County.

  14. Really?? says:

    Really, Tim? Family??? Did you forget that your sister in law works for Cathy because you begged her for a job.