Went to the WATE app to see what news they had and saw a news story about ‘a parent calling on Dr. McIntyre to step down’. WATE reported that they read a letter to the editor and contacted the individual. Really? That is where you get your stories?
The individual in question is a former failed political candidate in the Town of Farragut. This is an individual that ends up in news about every couple of years over something. Last time in April of 2013, on WVLT here where he wanted homeowners to be required to arm their homes. He is a Founder of the Farragut Gun Club. I am a second amendment guy, but I prefer the ‘right to keep and bear arms’ NOT the ‘state or town mandate to keep and bear arms’.
A bio of the subject from a website that professes to be he and his wife’s consulting firm does not list any children. So, is the WATE headline ‘Knox County Parent’ accurate?
It seems that Johns has aspired to be accepted with fist bumps and high fives from the east side of 6th floor of the City County Building, joining a lame, shameful group of political misfits; people who make irrational comments, unable to back up their claims or at best explain their pronouncements. The only goal of this group is to garner attention. Sadly, WATE fell for it.