Georgiana Wants to be Significant, She Regurgitates BrianHornback.Com about Jason Zachary

Today’s column by Georgiana Vines could have been a copy and paste from a post or two of BrianHornback.Com last year when Jason Zachary ran unsuccessfully for Congress. Some of Georgiana stats in her column are not completely accurate, but that is nothing new for Georgiana.

She writes more favorably for Zachary’s opponent, why you ask. Because Carson has voted twice with the political party that Georgiana’s writing typically favors, the Democrat Party. Makes you wonder why if Zachary’s opponent voted as a Democrat voter, why is she not running as a Democrat?

By the way, I have numerous articles where Georgiana writes about BrianHornback.Com and myself that she never bothered to contact me, that my friends is an indication of either a lazy writer or a writer that accepts the spoon fed rhetoric that they are given or a combination of both.

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1 Response

  1. Confused says:

    It would appear with Ms. Vines copy and paste job that Karen and Collin think they are running against you and NOT Jason. Here’s hoping you win Brian. To have a Collin and Dr. Briggs rubber stamp in the house is just very light in the loafers.