Title: In Support of the State of Arizona’s Position on Immigration
WHEREAS, The United States of America has conservatively over 10 Million ILLEGAL Immigrants; and
WHEREAS, the Southwest United States which borders Mexico has a serious illegal immigration challenge, and
WHEREAS, Arizona’s violent crime rate ranks 13th highest in the United States, Phoenix has the 2nd highest kidnapping rate in the world behind Mexico City; 83% of warrants for murder in Phoenix are for illegal aliens; 40% of all inmates in Arizona detention centers are Mexican nationals here illegally, the total education, medical, and incarceration costs in Arizona due to illegal immigration are over $2 billion a year; and
WHEREAS, the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy has designated Arizona as a “High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area”, and
WHEREAS, S.B. 1070 was crafted in response to the lack of federal government enforcement of existing federal immigration laws; and
WHEREAS, 70% of Arizona voters support S.B. 1070; therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Concord-Farragut Republican Club encourages its membership to support Arizona’s stance on immigration and support for S.B. 1070; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Concord-Farragut Republican Club encourages its membership to contact its state representatives to request them to enact similar legislation; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Concord-Farragut Republican Club encourages its membership to contact its federal representatives to enforce existing immigration laws, to protect the borders of the United States of America, and withdraw all its scrutiny of the State of Arizona taking the lead where they have failed.