Former Knoxville Mayor Victor Ashe nailed the city taxpayers with a Convention Center that at best is described as under utilized. There were realists then that said Knoxville will never fill the convention center hall. Well, maybe just maybe they knew that Donald Trump would run for President in 2016 and it would take every square inch to get his supporters in to see and hear him. Ok, it’s over. Knoxville can tear down the Convention Center like they did the TN Pavillion of the 1982 Worlds Fair.
Trump’s message was the career politician has screwed everything up, (that surely made Mayor Burchett uneasy, the guy who has always had a government check, from a mulch pile, to State Rep, State Senate, Mayor and now his next move), Teump’s message of build a wall, send them back and don’t let them back resonated with the crowd as did his position to bomb the **** out of them.