Lori Boudreaux Launched 5th District School Board Campaign With a Large, Enthusiastic Crowd

The Copper Cellar located at 7316 Kingston Pike had a flurry of activity between 5 p.m. and 8 p.m. as the campaign to Elect Lori Boudreaux 5th district School Board held the first public event to launch her candidacy. Individuals and Couples came and went and all were enthused to support someone that is ready on day one.

Boudreaux has worked in social work, worked in Elementary, Middle and High Schools, she has worked at a district wide level in public schools. She has earned a Bachelors, 2 Masters and a Doctorate in Education. Of the two challengers facing Boudreaux, neither comes close to her education and experience and ready to serve the residents, parents, students, faculty and staff on day one. Learn about her extensive background, here.

Boudreaux mixing with the attendees at one point during the evening.

Boudreaux mixing with the attendees at one point during the evening.

Myself, Scott Witt, Lori Boudreaux and Knox Co. Commission Vice Chairman Bob Thomas

Myself, Scott Witt, Lori Boudreaux and Knox Co. Commission Vice Chairman Bob Thomas.



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