Knox Co Property Assessor Campaign Finances Disclosed Today

Knox County Property Assessor candidates in alphabetical order, all financial activity through 1/15/2016.

Andrew Graybeal, Raised $3,475.00 spent $16.95 with $3,458.05 on hand

Jim Weaver had $721.62 last report, raised $55,907.47, spent $12, 334.17 with $44,294.92 with a $2,000 loan on file. Several notable contributors are Properties, Investment companies, the Knox Hilton Garage gave $200 on 9-3-15. Former Knox Co Trustee employee Knox Williams gave $300 and Former County Commissioner Robert Lawrence Smith and his wife Sharon gave $1,000 a piece. Totaling $2,000 from the Smith home. The Smith’s own several commercial properties. Archie Johnson, the Chairman of the Knox County Equalization Board (the board that you appeal your over assessment) is also the Treasurer of Weaver’s campaign fund.

John R. Whitehead, raised $98,625.00 spent $11,150.00 with $87,475.00 and a $85,000 loan on file. Nothing of notable attention by contributors, the only expenditure of note is the ad on BrianHornback.Com 



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