When Will Jim Weaver Face Reality? Why has Knox News Sentinel NOT Followed Up?

Last Tuesday the voters of Knox Co rejected a third consecutive term of Ballard/Weaver in electing John Whitehead. The Knox News Sentinel reported that Jim Weaver, Chief Deputy of Phil Ballard told them he needed three days to clear his head. Three days would have been Friday.

Andrew Graybeal, another Property Assesor candidate called Whitehead conceding and congratulating him. Still no word from Weaver and the Knox News Sentinel has not reported over the weekend any follow up on Weaver’s own self imposed time schedule.

Weaver was at work on Friday, he never ventured out of his office much. It is time for Weaver to acknowledge the will of a majority of voters in Knox Co and concede his loss and begin working with Mr. Whitehead on a transition. Mr. Whitehead needs to be able to collect resumes and applications from ALL current employees interested in working at the Property Assessors office beginning September 1, 2016 when Whitehead’s term begins.


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