Knox News Reports Sunshine Law Violation a Story First Reported on BrianHornback.Com

Gerald Witt of the Knox News SentIntel picks up on a story about the County Commission violating the Sunshine Law first brought to the publics attention by BrianHornback.Com

Chancellor Eddie Pridemore needs all Commissioners in court under oath with penalty of perjury to explain the conversations. John Schoonmaker says he called Commissoners informing them there is a letter, Randy Smith admits this occurred. That act combined with the discussion and vote less than two weeks later was a deliberation before the vote. So as the court found in 2007 when Commissioners were polled by the Commission office before taking action at the next Commission meeting.

The Sunshine law prohibits discussion and deliberation to a conclusion before a vote. The letter less than two weeks before an item on the agenda that was actionable. Is in fact a deliberation to a conclusion when 7 of 11 voiced support before the public discussion and vote.

Law Director Bud Armstrong’s comment that a letter by a Commissioner to a legislative body is not official business. When that letter is used less than two weeks prior to a commission vote that led to a vote of the Commisoon, then the letter was an official act in violation of TN law. But ole Bud ain’t been a lawyer long.

Here’s hoping Attorney General Charme Allen brings these 7 Commissioner law breakers to Chancellor Eddie Pridemore for the right of the people.

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