Recall Bill Phillips is a Democrat Party Effort

Brian’s Blog found this on the flickr page of Democrat Gubernatorial Candidate Mike McWherter is this photo of Knox County Democrat Chair Gloria Johnson with what appears to be a Recall Bill Phillips sign in the background. This is proof that the Recall Bill Phillips effort is a drive by the Democrat party of Knox County to remove a known Republican that has supported numerous Republican candidates in Republican Knox County.

Former 9 month Black Wednesday Appointed County Commissioner Jack Huddleston refuted in this article back on May 26, 2009 this as a Democrat issue. Huddleston is quoted as saying people are “trying to make this whole thing a Democrat effort and it’s not,” Clearly, just like on January 31, 2007 Huddleston has not been truthful. It is rumored that Huddleston has been attempting to get the Republican Party of Knox County to take an official position. That has NOT occurred.

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