Are the Slopper Gals Ghost Writing like Knox County had/has Ghost Employees?

Sandra Clark posted on Knoxviews this scanned document from the Shopper News and says Betty Bean has it again first. But the scan doesn’t show anything from ole Bean and it is posted on Sandra Clark’s content area of the Knoxviews. It begs to question, are the Shopper gals ghost writing for one another?

The document is Cathy Shanks response to the careless brush fire that Mike Hammond, Tim Burchett/Mike Grider and ole Bean tried to start yesterday. Shanks may have been responding to one of her opponents when writing to Burchett. She appears to have the fire that may provoke her to run for re-election and Shanks is not likely to be the victim of Burchett/Rice that Gloria Ray and Joy McCroskey were. But the back and forth between Hammond/Burchett and now Shanks is a great start for the Conservative Republican blog broadcasting to the Universe from and about the Tennessee Valley, that is BrianHornback.Com by the way.


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