East Knox Community Meeting Featured Knox County Commissioners

Michael Covington‘s Monthly East Knoxville Community Meeting was held yesterday and featured the Knox County Commissioners. Ninth District Commissioner Carson Dailey, Seventh District Commissioner Charlie Busler, at Large Commissioner and 2018 Knox County Mayoral candidate Bob Thomas and Second District Commissioner Michele Carringer attended. Knoxville City Councilman George Wallace was there and always attends in order to hear what is on the mind of his constituents.



Commissioner Busler and Dailey explain difference in city and county

Commissioner Busler says we have got to get education up, Knox County First District School Board Member Gloria Deathridge asked what can we do, we are not doing?

Commissioner Dailey talking about South Knoxville. He said houses in Island Home are selling for “listing price plus”

Commissioner Thomas discussing East Knoxville and Busler discussing life after Regal Cinemas leaves Halls.

Commissioner Carringer discusses North Knoxville from Fountain City to Fourth and Gill and all areas in between.

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