McElroy’s Latest Column on Duncan

Knoxville News Sentinel Editor Jack McElroy ‘s column on Congressman John J. Duncan, Jr. was an interesting read today. A bit premature as Congressman Duncan is just beginning his next two year term. Had the Hildabeast won the Presidential election, I would predict Congressman Duncan would tire of two years of the glass shards penetrating Congressional members heads. However, remember when the Republican primary was down to three candidates of Donald J. Trump, John Kaisch and the Canadian born one Duncan endorsed Trump. Duncan made many appearances with Trump in the General election, especially in North Carolina.

First off let me address the attack on Congressman Duncan’s oldest son in McElroy’s column. What was the point of bringing up an incident that happened four years ago? The Congressman’s son has had a career outside elective office for four years, he has a young family with two children under two years of age. Would McElroy want a media entity to pull his adult children’s indiscretions into a story where they had a less than stellar moment? I doubt it. So, why drag in Mr. Duncan? It was uncalled for.

As for two candidates that McElroy mentioned as potential candidates. First, former 2014 Congressional candidate and State Representative Jason Zachary. During the 2014 campaign, Zachary continued stating that God had called him to run, that run generated less than 40% of the vote, 39.54% to Duncan’s 60.46%. All while Zachary alleged Duncan was part of a “permanent political class”. Sources tell me that when asked about another Congressional run at recent meetings Zachary says he is praying about it. Based on the number of December emails sent from Zachary about Sevier County (which is NOT in his district) he may be considering a run for TN’s First District Congressional seat currently held by Dr. Phil Roe. Also, Knox County Mayor Tim Burchett in a February 2015 Memphis Daily News article in responding to this question, “You are prohibited from running in the next election due to a term limit of two consecutive terms. What are your plans after that?” Burchett said, “I don’t know. I pray about it everyday.” Two politicians that pray for the next job continually without ceasing.

Heres hoping that a Trump presidency and getting our broken government back on track will keep Congressman Duncan engaged and active for our Second district for another term or two.

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