Wayne Christensen Statement: City Council should oppose pay increase for City Council Members

KNOXVILLE, TENN, July 27, 2017 – Wayne Christensen, candidate for Knoxville City Council, 2nd District issues the following statement.

“I fully oppose the City Council vote next week on raising the pay for City Council members. The job of being a City Councilman is not about pay or status, but about serving the people we represent, as well as it being a waste of tax dollars that could go to more beneficial endeavors. If elected as your City Councilman, I would oppose pay increases for members, as it sends the wrong message in terms of what public service is and should be about.”




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1 Response

  1. William says:

    So Wayne, I see you are probably a man of means and you don’t really need the extra money. What about the “other” people who run for office that want to do it out of civic pride and the little amount they get helps them a lot? With no pay what so ever you would not be able have anybody run except people that have the means to do it. That makes the pool of people much smaller. That is very short sided on your part.