Ken Yager’s Annual Chili Supper Another Huge Success

Senator Yager and I

Senator Ken Yager and I

Chili, Hotdog, Killer Desert and Water

Chili, Hotdog, Killer Desert and Water

The crowd

The crowd

Musical Entertainment was Exceptional

Korey Hunt was Exceptional

Roane County Sheriff Jack Stockton and his wife Kingston City Councilwoman

Roane County Sheriff Jack Stockton and his wife Kingston City Councilwoman Tara Stockton

My good friend Marilyn Calfee (wife of State Rep. Kent Calfee) and I

My good friend Marilyn Calfee (wife of State Rep. Kent Calfee) and I

When Congressman Chuck Fleischman allows you to photograph his cell phone material

When Congressman Chuck Fleischmann allows you to photograph his cell phone.

Fleischman’s phone

Fleischmann’s phone

Rhea County executive George Thacker playing harmonica. He has played on the Grand Ole Opry

Rhea County executive George Thacker playing harmonica with Korey Hunt. Thacker has played on the Grand Ole Opry

The first shift of servers

The first shift of servers

Mayor Wayne Best and State Rep. Kent Calfee serving

Harriman Mayor Wayne Best and State Rep. Calfee serving.

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