Volunteer Republican Women & the Knox County Circuit Court Clerk Candidates

Today the Volunteer Republican Women hosted the four Republican candidates for Knox County Circuit Court Clerk. Tim Wheeler a former Circuit Court Clerk Administrator and current Funeral Director. Charles Susano a Knox County Trustee employee. Scott Smith, an Insurance, Real Estate and Home Builder and Don Ridings Knoxville businessman all talked about their backgrounds and how they will operate as the next Clerk.


This weekend rumors began swirling that Bo Bennett an operations director for a government software company is contemplating entering the Republican race. The filing deadline is 2/15/2018 at Noon.

The ultimate victor in the election will be replacing longtime Clerk Cathy Shanks who is choosing not to seek re-election in 2018. The Republican Primary is May 1, 2018 with the General Election on August 2, 2018.

Currently Knoxville Lawyer Sheri Ridgeway is the lone Democrat to have taken out the paperwork to seek the Democrat nomination.

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