Don Ridings – No report posted online as of 1/31/2018 6:30 p.m.
Scott Smith had $460.54 last report, raised $2,213.00, spent $2,000.00, $673.54 on hand. Smith has $2,546.74 loan and $750 of in-kind contributions.
Charlie Susano had $24,895.02 last report, raised $31,720.00, spent $2,931.52 with $53,683.50 on hand.
Tim Wheeler raised $10,515.00, spent $321.44 with $10,193.56 on hand. He has a $400 loan and has $2,050.00 of in-kind contributions.
In full disclosure the campaign of Wheeler has an in-kind contribution from a generous donor that paid for a strategic partnership on BrianHornback.Com
Democrat Sheri Ridgeway filed her petition on 1/24/2018 to be the Democrat candidate to face the Republican winner on 8/2/2018. No campaign financial has been filed, probably because she was NOT a candidate in the 4th quarter.