Center City Conservatives Republican Club Finished 2018 Strong

Last night the Center City Conservatives Republican Club finished 2018 strong. The club meets on the fourth Thursday of every month except November and December (due to Thanksgiving and Christmas).

Luke Anthony of the Bill Lee for Governor Campaign provided the group an update and encouraged everyone to vote a Republican ticket.

Luke Anthony of the Bill Lee for Governor Campaign provided the group an update and encouraged everyone to vote a Republican ticket.

Luke Anthony of the Bill Lee for Governor Campaign update

James Corcoran TN Republican State Executive Committeeman discusses the November election and next years Knox County Republican reorganization.

David Williams discussed a proposed apartment complex slated for the Pond Gap Community and the community appeal on November 20

David Williams discussed a proposed apartment complex slated for the Pond Gap Community and the community appeal on November 20

Knox County Trustee Ed Shouse discussed the tax bills. If you are a city property tax payer and pay by 10/31/2018 you can reduce your payment by 1%. You have until 2-28-2019 to pay your Knox County taxes. If you have a mortgage, your taxes are likely paid through your escrow account.

Knox County Trustee Ed Shouse discussed the tax bills. If you are a city property tax payer and pay by 10/31/2018 you can reduce your payment by 1%. You have until 2-28-2019 to pay your Knox County taxes. If you have a mortgage, your taxes are likely paid through your escrow account.

Mrs. Roberta Potter discussed this years election.

Mrs. Roberta Potter discussed this years elections.

Dan Raper, 2nd Vice President of CCCRCKnox presented Shouse with a Certificate of Appreciation for his Support of Knox Co Co-Ed Softball League

Dan Raper, 2nd Vice President of CCCRCKnox presented Shouse with a Certificate of Appreciation for his Support of Knox Co Co-Ed Softball League.


Raper discusses the upcoming election

Raper discusses the upcoming election



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