You can catch my friend Hubert Smith on his CTV show on Friday nights at 7:30 pm or on his Sunday Morning call in radio talk show on The Rock, FM 90.3 at 10 a.m – NOOON but now you catch him writing for Athenaeum News, found here. Here is his latest article (a post mortum on the Commission vote regarding the Schools request). Here is his second story. And of course his first one is here. br>
So now you are caught up, check over there regularly to read what is on Hubert’s plate and/or mind. br>
Hubert was right about Burchett facing opposition from the Chamber and Knox elites, but “most citizens?”
I don't thin Hubert knows what he's talking about if he thinks most citizens supported McIntyre.
Theo Kojak ain't got nothin' on Hubert Smith. (He'll get the reference…!!!)
I hope so cause i didn't get it
“Kojak” is one of Hubert's favorite shows…