Motley Crew Community Lunch

2019 started normal at the Crowne Plaza in Downtown Knoxville today. It is the first Friday so at about 11:15 am, Hubert Smith was greeting folks at the Motley Crew Community Lunch.

Smith who suffered a stroke several weeks ago and was released from Patricia Neal at Ft. Sanders yesterday was back to hosting, today he some assistance.

I could not stay long, but here are some views.

Retired Knox News Photographer Michael Patrick, Knox County Criminal Court Clerk Mike Hammond and I

Retired Knox News Photographer Michael Patrick, Knox County Criminal Court Clerk Mike Hammond and I. If only the #TheMegaBullhornofTruth wasn’t fully staffed in the photog department. 

Motley Crew Lunch Historian and Photographer Ronnie Collins of Alice Bell and I

Motley Crew Lunch Historian and Photographer Ronnie Collins of the Alice Bell Community and I

The January 2019 crowd

The January 2019 crowd

Hubert Smith never missed a hosting moment

Hubert Smith never missed a hosting moment

Smith and I

Smith and I


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