Breakfast at the Waffle House with a Couple Knox County Commissioners

On April 3, 2019 the Knox County Commission noticed a Sunshine meeting of Commissioner’s Brad Anders and Larsen Jay for April 17, 2019 at 7 am at Waffle House on Papermill Road.

Waffle House on Papermill

Waffle House on Papermill

I got there about 6:45 am, Commissioner Jay arrived about 6:51 am and Commissioner Anders shortly before 7 am.

Anders and Jay after ordering

Anders and Jay after ordering

After I finished eating, I went over and visited with them and then they began discussing road infrastructure issues all over Knox County. Jay is an at Large Commissioner representing all Knox County. Anders as a former Chairman of Commission and years of experience was able to assist in assisting Jay with institutional knowledge.


Talking and taking notes about the road infrastructure needs and the last road plan Knox County operates.

They also discussed Capital Needs (brick, mortar) of the Knox County Schools. I was able to share with them about the three small schools while I served on the School Board that was discussed about closing and merging. Also the 40 year Knox County Schools standards.

As it got to about 7:45 am, it was time for me to leave to go about my day earning a salary. So I left them.

There are no other Sunshine notices on the calendar at this time. But, I will begin posting those in advance to allow you the readers know when, where and what time they are meeting in our community so that you can attend if you like.


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