Laat night I served as Guest Moderator at the Powell Republican Club at the Shoneys on Emory Road in Powell, TN.
Elizabeth Malone the Coordinator of Volunteer Programs for KPD (Knoxville Police Department) came and talked about Big Knoxville the mentor program that works with pairing up mentors to young people in the Big Brothers Big Sisters Program.
Busler mentioned in the Knox County Budget the County Busgef went from $870,000 to $1.7 million. He said the Mayor says he is a fiscal Conservative but the budget is doubled.
I looked into it.
Last years budget for the County Mayor was $845, 371 and this year it will be $[,419. 498 there is a ** footnote.
The ** footnote reads, Community Outreach (1015140) and Constituent Services (1015141) are now included in the Mayor’s office (1013310)
It seems from reading the budget those two departments were in separate funds last year, likely to make the Mayor’s office appear thinner. Community Outreach was a stand alone which was Sarah F (not with Knox County anymore), Buzz B. and Mandi B.
Constituent Services had a different title but Mayor Jacobs renamed it and pulled it into the County Mayors office to be more transparent.
The position count in the County Mayor’s Office last year was 8 but is now 12 this year, Again, it appears is an effort of the Mayor being more transparent and showing where the money is really being spent.