Last night the East Knox Community Meeting was held at the Burlington branch library. The guest was suppose to be Sheriff Tom Spangler. But instead it was KCSO Aaron Yarnell, Kimberly Glenn and David Amburn. *I have been told by KCSO that Sheriff Spangler was out of County and was not able to get back in time for the meeting.
Yarnell made a presentation on crime statistics and general information. A couple people in the room wanted to talk about 287 (g) and Mrs. Glenn’s response was the Sheriff made that decision and anyone who is elected to Sheriff can make similar decisions.
Constance Every who was frustrated that Sheriff Spangler who makes appearances all over town, but not East Knoxville and was asking the question. It became heated between Glenn and Every.
Amburn jumps up going to throw Every out the room, a verbal spat ensues. Michael Covington jumps up and closes the meeting and the Sheriffs Department folk leave.
Of course, I missed the meeting. My dog had to be at the Vet and that was too important to keep me away.