Monroe County Passed a Schools Budget

WBIR had a story last night about Monroe County Commission and Finance Director complaining about school staff and school board member complaining on social media about the budget or lack thereof.


Monroe County, TN

Well, public officials get ready, it’s called the First Amendment. The Schools have a new Director of Schools to take the Schools from good to great. Do not believe that Monroe County schools are not good, Sequoyah High is a reward school in TN. That’s GREAT.

So the school employees feel they have a Director to take them where they’ve always wanted to be, so they are empowered and ready to stand up and speak out.

Monroe County, TN Director of Schools Dr. DeAnna McClendon

Monroe County, TN Director of Schools Dr. DeAnna McClendon

As for the finance director’s explanation on WBIR for why the meeting was held during the day. Here’s an idea, take the budget meeting and budget vote to an evening hour at Sequoyah High.

Sequoyah High In Monroe County, TN

Sequoyah High In Monroe County, TN

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