The Knox County School Board Met last night to reorganize. The current Chair Terry Hill is running for County Commission in the Sixth District Early next year. She simply stated that she wished not to serve this coming year. BUT, it’s a safe bet that campaigning would take up a lot of her time this winter.
Only 6 of the 9 members were present. Mike McMillan was running late, Evetty Satterfield was out of town for her day job and Tony Norman had a family member that was ill and in the hospital.
Susan Horn, the current Vice Chair was elected unanimously as Chair.
Patty Bounds nominated Jennifer Owen for Vice Chair. Kristi Kristy nominated Virginia Babb for Vice Chair.
Votes for Owen were Owen, Horn and Bounds and Votes for Babb were Babb, Kristy and Hill.
A motion was made to postpone the Vice Chair election till all board members could be present and it passed.
So there is no Vice Chair at the moment. Hence the title that School Board reorganizes, sort of.
Horn and Babb are both from West Knoxville. Owens is from North Knox for the same reasons that I didn’t like Nystrom and Jay as County Commission Chair and Vice Chair (both from West Knox) I would not like Horn and Babb for School Board Chair and Vice Chair.