Knox County Commission and the Sunshine

Commissioners Michelle Carringer and Justin Biggs sun-shined a meeting with the owner of Knoxville Centre Mall today at NOON at Litton’s Market.


Commissioner Charlie Busler, Powell Businessman Bruce Williams, PBA Board Member Hubert Smith also attended. As well as the WATE Chief Photographer and myself.


Patrick King of Knoxville was joined by Rick Hauser of Capital Real Estate, Inc., the owner of Knoxville Center Mall. Mr. Hauser did say Knoxville Center is available to purchase. No price could be mentioned or discussed, as the TN Open Meetings Law prohibits a deliberation to a conclusion.

Mr. Hauser stated he would make available to Commissioner Busler and Law Director Bud Armstrong the survey, title, all reports on the property, geo-technical, environmental etc.



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