Town of Farragut Attorney Wants to Control Speech?

This story in the Farragut Press is interesting in that Farragut resident Mike Mitchell had requested some comments and a potential Resolution read into a recent Board of Farragut Alderman and Mayor meeting.

As you probably realize, due to the Corona, meetings are held virtually. If we didn’t have the ‘rona going on. Mitchell would have been able to say and read anything he wanted during the public input portion.

So, for Attorney Tom Hale to study and instruct the Aldermen and Mayor NOT to read the resolution because they can not appears on its face as controlling and prohibiting free speech. Free speech is Free whether it’s accurate in Hale’s opinion or not. Free speech is protected PERIOD.


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3 Responses

  1. John R says:

    The last part of that news story is unreal. Mayor Ron Williams said, “Mike Mitchell is in the wrong lane, and he needs to focus on where he can do some good.”

    WTH? Does Williams think he is the King of Farragut?

  2. James Corcoran says:

    If its been passed back and forth amongst the town’s legislative body, shouldn’t the resolution be available under the open meetings act?

  3. John R says:

    Not only did the Mayor censor a citizen in public forum, the Mayor claimed no citizen can write a resolution. The Tennessee state law on 5G was written by AT&T and Verizon lobbyists. Not by the legislature Mayor Williams violated this man’s free speech. Hey Mayor, America is spelled with a c, not a K. File a civil rights lawsuit, bring down this tyrant.