Rep. Kent Calfee – A Representative that is a Public Servant

State Rep. Kent Calfee is kicking off his campaign held a food drive (human and Pet). The Calfee’s provided hot dogs, snacks and a cold drink to all that donated or came by.

Calfee talking with someone dropping off donations.

Calfee talking with someone dropping off donations.

Marilyn Calfee talking with a couple people as Rep. Calfee talk with others

Marilyn Calfee talking with a couple people as Rep. Calfee talk with others. 

Rep. Calfee and William

Rep. Calfee and William

Marilyn Calfee assisting a constituent with donations

Marilyn Calfee assisting a constituent with donations

The Calfee’s, Missy and her two children and William.

The Calfee’s, Missy with her two children and William.

Rep. Calfee talking with constituents

Rep. Calfee talking with constituents

More donations

More donations

Rep. and Mrs. Calfee before Ieft

Rep. and Mrs. Calfee before Ieft


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