Poor Larsen Had a Very Bad Night…

Knox County Commission Chairman Larsen Jay began the meeting tonight with an intent for 2 hours of Public Forum, he announced that when the agenda was set, no commissioner objected.

However, when the time came to end at 11:52 pm. Citizens that had waited wanted to speak. Larsen asked for a motion to adjourn, no one offered one. Larsen made a motion to adjourn, no one seconded it. He got up, NO ONE else got up, the CTV microphones were turned on and people were allowed to speak from the dark balcony. At 12:02 am CTV turned off the feed. So we will never see the end.

Here are the citizens that signed up to speak tonight.

176925DD-E59D-4EF5-80D7-CDF2A7AB6670 B73DC3AF-08AA-4758-86DD-4FEB03E50725 2993F2FA-0C48-4AC3-9080-736E5B7686C3I will have more on the Public Forum as I review recordings from an October 8, 2020 sun-shined meeting of Jay, Vice Chair John Schoonmaker that Carson Dailey called into and Randy Smith and Kyle Ward attended.

October 8, 2020 Sun-shine meeting of Jay and Schoonmaker

October 8, 2020 Sun-shine meeting of Jay and Schoonmaker

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