In a Representative Republic, Mutual Respect Doesn’t Exist.

As a former elected official and as a County Political Party Chairman, I have experienced my share of uncomfortable town halls, meetings. As an  elected official during a political campaign you promised to “listen and represent the people”.

Last night (ok this morning) when Commissioner Larsen Jay decided after two hours of hearing from the public, he was done. That is not how it works!

He began yelling at the crowd that there is no mutual respect. When you set your self out and you won over the Primary Election over Ronnie Rochelle and the general Election Tori Griffin you set others out before yourself.

You are to hear the public out, even if you do not like it or agree with it, it is our Representative Republic.

Larsen Jay, Republican candidate for Knox County Commission at Large Seat 10

Larsen Jay, Republican candidate for Knox County Commission at Large Seat 10

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1 Response

  1. Patti says:

    When I was chair of school Board we stayed until the last person was heard. The number to speak was in the hundreds at five minutes each. It was a long night into the morning.