Mayor Jacobs and Commissioner Durrett Compete to Recognize World Diabetes Day – If I am Picking Sides, I am On #TeamDurrett


Tomorrow Friday, November 13 at 3:30 p.m. at the Women’s Basketball Hall of Fame.

November is National Diabetes Month and a time when communities across the country team up to bring attention to diabetes. This year’s focus is on taking care of youth who have diabetes.

Knox County Mayor Glenn Jacobs and District 2 County Commissioner Courtney Durrett will compete in a best-of-24 free throw competition to raise awareness of World Diabetes Day, which is globally observed November 14.

The free throw competition is to symbolize the importance healthy habits like regular physical activity play in living with diabetes and the Commissioner and Mayor will each shoot 24 times—one for each hour of World Diabetes Day.

myself and Commissioner Durrett

myself and Commissioner Durrett

Myself and Knox County Mayor Glenn Jacobs (taken in 2019 before the 6 foot social distancing because of COVID-19)

Myself and Knox County Mayor Glenn Jacobs (taken in 2019 before the 6 foot social distancing because of COVID-19)

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