Why? Why is Knox County Wasting Critically Important Medical Professionals Time and Why Are They Including Town of Farragut, Especially Povlin?

Received an email on Saturday 12/12/2020 from Knox County Commission. It seems that State Senator Dr. Richard Briggs, Commissioner Larsen Jay, Knoxville Vice Mayor Gwen McKenzie and Town of Farragut Vice Mayor Louise “stop the urban growth plan” Povlin will have a streaming meeting with Hospital Providers.

The critical medical Health Professionals are Dr. John Adams, Infectious Disease Physician, Covenant Health; Dr. Frank Beuerlein, CMO/CQO, Tennova Healthcare; Dr. Mark Brown, SVP & CMO, Covenant Heath; Dr. Joe Childs, CMO, East TN Childrens Hospital; Dr. Keith Gray, SVP & CMO University of Tennessee Medical Center; Dr. Mark Rasnake, Hospital Epidemiologist & Infectious Disease Physician UT Medical Center; Dr. James Shamiyeh SVP & CQO UT Medical Center.

Jay has already had one photo-op taking critical time away from Dr. Gray at UTMC. So what is so important to take all these Professionals away from a time when East TN is surging..

Additionally, why is the Town of Farragut and in particular Louise “stop the urban growth plan” Povlin. One there is NOT a hospital in Farragut. Two, at best the Town of Farragut is nothing more than a Homeowners Association and based on how they are currently handing the Biddle Farm, they are not doing a good enough job at that. When Farragut comes back with an Urban Growth Plan then maybe let them back at the table. The Urban Growth Plan is a State of Tennessee requirement.

So, Why?

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1 Response

  1. John R says:

    Povlin wants to run against Glenn Jacobs in two years for Knox County Mayor.