Hey Farragut, You Wanna Be New York City or Washington, DC? Your Vice Mayor is ALL For It

At a recent meeting of the Farragut MPC (Municipal Planning Commission) Vice Mayor Louise Povlin says the traffic is NOT from Farragut. That traffic does bring sales tax, but I digress and that ain’t the point.

She said so what if traffic has to wait two traffic signal cycles, it isn’t as bad as when she was in New York or Washington. 🤦🏻‍♂️ JEEZZ Farragut you got 99 problems and Povlin is multiplying them. Watch the clip from the FMPC by clicking here or below.

Farragut Aldermen Louise Povlin and Ron Williams with Knox County Commissioner John Schoonmaker

Farragut Aldermen Louise Povlin and Farragut Mayor Ron Williams with Knox County Commissioner John Schoonmaker



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3 Responses

  1. John R says:

    Wow. That was a heck of a thing to say. That will not go over well with the people of Farragut. Typical 1% thinking.

  2. Lori says:

    How out of touch can this woman be? She needs to be recalled. Covid or not, I’ll go door to door to get signatures. She cannot be removed fast enough.

  3. Sam says:

    Louise Povlin ran unopposed this last time. We need to remove her from office. Ron Williams too. He is no better.

    There are three apartment proposals near the high school. Up to 800 apartments. They have lost their minds.


    How is business supposed to stay in business with that many apartments near the high school? It is gridlock now. Only one person on the Board of Mayor and Aldermen is from Knoxville and he spent 20 plus years in California. Little wonder we see this kind of thing.

    Coming soon, Farafornia.