Susan Williams Names Crony Advancer 2020 Winner and her 2021 Winner Garnered “chinks in the armour” within 5 Days

Susan Williams on WBIR on 1/3/2021 named the winner of 2020 here the person that the State party rejected, BUT was able to get on the ballot with crony favor by Congressman Tim Burchett – a Washington, DC Swamper, Dr. Richard Briggs and Glenn Jacobs atta boys. Jacobs told me that he was unaware that Ed Mannis had voted in the Democrat primary on 3/1/2020 until after he had vouched for him. Dr. Briggs told a friend of mine the same account.

On the same broadcast, Williams named the TN Republican Party the 2021 winner, here. It aired on Sunday and then on Friday, the FBI began executing search warrants on some Nashville area homes and offices. Rep. Kent Calfee‘s office was searched, but according to Speaker Cameron Sexton‘s press conference here Calfee is NOT under investigation.


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