Tomorrow at Two in Farragut and Knoxville

Tomorrow, Sunday January 24, 2021 at 2 p.m. in Farragut there will be a peaceful protest for this coming weeks Town of Farragut vote on Apartments, Commercial development on the Biddle Farm property.


In Knoxville at 2 p.m. will be the 2021 March for Life, get the details, here


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1 Response

  1. Mike Mitchell says:

    We need 2,000 email comments by noon Wednesday January 27th to Be sure to include your address and be sure to have a subject line in the email that says, “to the issue of item 1 Ordinance 21-01”. You may also send an email to “the issue of item 2 Ordinance 21-02”. You may also send an email to “the issue of item 3 Ordinance 21-03”.

    This is from Alderman Scott Meyer, “I believe the Town’s future traffic-control stop lights and proposed staggered school start times will impact traffic.”

    To accommodate apartments in the wrong place the entire town must suffer through a school rush hour that will be doubled. It will extend into 5:00 traffic. All to accommodate apartments we do not want. Stand up and be heard.