Knox County Merit System Council for Sheriff’s Employees Meets and Sets Grievance Hearings

It seems the money for outside legal counsel for Knox County Sheriff and his department continues to flow like an open faucet. Knoxville Attorney Gary Prince was present at the Merit Council meeting this evening as the Merit Council reset the Martha Dooley Grievance Hearing for July 22 & 23, 2021. It was previously set for May 4 & 5, 2021. Dooley is represented by Attorney John Valliant.

Prince and Valliant (at podium) discussing reset of Dooley case

Prince and Valliant (at podium) discussing reset of Dooley case

They set August 30, 2021 for a Grievance Hearing for Raymond Scott Moore. Moore is represented by Valliant as well. Prince was advised and agreeing to the date so it appears he will represent the Sheriffs Office. All the while, Sheriff Tommy Spangler has three Attorneys employed in his department, Mike Ruble, Carlton “Butch” Bryant and Former District Attorney Randy Nichols. The Knox County Law Department has more than 10 Attorneys on staff, but Prince on the clock, being paid with our tax dollars.

Valliant and Raymond Scott Moore

Valliant and Raymond Scott Moore

When the Merit System Council meet again on May 26, 2021 they will set a Grievance Hearing for John Ivan Harmon, his Attorney Tommy Hindman was unable to attend tonight. Hindman will communicate with the Merit System staff before May 26 and a hearing will be set at that meeting. It was not obvious if Prince was preparing for Harmon’s case on behalf of Spangler and the department.

Attorney Gary Prince and John Valliant (at podium) working to reset Dooley case

Attorney Gary Prince and John Ivan Harmon (at podium) during discussion about Harmon’s attorney

In other business, the Council approved changes to civil warrant and a forensic position.

Knox Sheriff's HR Director Lysette Alves presenting a change.

Knox Sheriff’s HR Director Lysette Alves presenting a change.

The Council commended Laschinski Emerson, the Alternate Council Member for her two years of service, she has since moved out of Knox County and her term ends at the end of this month.

Merit Council Jim Wright, Jr., Laschinski Emerson, Gina Oster, Jim Jennings and the Merit System Executive Director Paula Taylor

Merit Council Members Jim Wright, Jr., Laschinski Emerson, Gina Oster, Jim Jennings and the Merit System Executive Director Paula Taylor

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