Coach Johnny Majors wrote a book, You Can Go Home Again. After he came back to Tennessee from Pittsburg.
So, tonight the Eighth District Republican Club met at Carter High School. Where I went and graduated from, my first campaign as a Volunteer was when I was a Sophomore. So I likely began mapping my path to world dominance in the Cafeteria.
There was that time I cut study hall for a few months, my Freshman year cause I didn’t want Study Hall in the Cafeteria. Then Mr. Goodlin assigned me Study Hall in the Library, which was great, I read the newspaper everyday and studied about Tennessee leaders like Governor Winfield Dunn. I digress.
Senator Becky Duncan Massey was the Speaker. I as the new Republican State Executive Committeeman for our district, felt I should be there, so I did.
She talked about her work on health issues, transportation issues as she Chairs Transportation Committee. She discussed a couple Constitutional items that will be on the ballot in 2022. One about making Tennessee a Right to Work state (which we are, it just puts it in the State Constitution) and a succession plan if the Governor becomes incapacitated.