This good Saturday morning as I consumed a cup of coffee, (not Folgers). I realized The best part of waking up without Senator Ford as my Senator is that Frank Cagle, one of three tabloid journalist in the Knoxville market now has little to no credibility. Cagle endorsed Ford, Junior. Ford, Junior spent a considerable amount of money running ads about why Cagle was right in his endorsement. Ford, Junior in nearly every interview in Middle and East Tennessee bragged about Frank Cagle’s endorsement.
Any future credibility for Cagle? Any future political opportunities outside tabloid journalism for Cagle? These are questions that remain partial answered.
The other two tabloid journalist. One (Betty Bean) spent a considerable amount of time on KnoxViews promoting the Ford, Junior candidacy and posting mean spirited comments about her NEW United States Senator Bob Corker. The other (Sandra Clark) acknowledged in the Scripps publication that she is employed by as having contributed $250.00 to Bob Corker but was desiring her money back.