Knox County Merit Council Met and Set Dooley Case

The Knox County Merit System Council for Sheriffs Employees met today and announced that the Martha Dooley case will be heard on January 19 & 20, 2022. They will have a hearing officer to conduct the hearing, Judge Sharon Bell

Merit System Council before the meeting

Merit System Council before the meeting

Additionally, the Merit Council approved job descriptions and qualifications for the Forensics. Lt. Gabe Mullinax as his last act in 25 years with Knox Sheriffs Department presented the changes to the Merit Council. Mullinax was accompanied by the forensics officers. You can watch the meeting here or below. 

Lt. Gabe Mullinax presenting changes to job description and qualifications for forensics department

Lt. Gabe Mullinax presenting changes to job description and qualifications for forensics department

members of the Forensics unit of Knox County Sheriffs Department

members of the Forensics unit of Knox County Sheriffs Department on the second and third rows. 




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