Dry Hollow Community ….. Carson Dailey is NOT Your Friend, Your Neighbor…. He Is Selling You OUT

So, Larsen Jay postponed until April 2022 for Thunder Mountain in South Knox County 255 homes on 64 acres or 180 homes on 64 acres and 75 (according to the developer) and 64 (according to Commissioner Carson Dailey) on the hillside’s 95 acres. 

Knoxville Attorney Daniel Sanders did good for the Dry Hollow Community. all Knox County home owners and Associations YOU NEED Daniel Sanders. 

Postponing until April 25 gets Jay and the ones on May 3rd Primary ballots, less than 3 days before Early Voting ENDS.

The people of South Knoxville live to fight again. The developers live to write more and BIGGER checks to Jay and others again. 




Knox County Commission making risky loans

Knox County Commission making risky loans

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1 Response

  1. Billy says:

    Carson Dailey sold out long ago. This is what you get when you don’t verify. Enjoy the traffic.